Success stories
Realizing that core value of Groupe Lactalis is people, we pay a lot of attention to the development and training of personnel. We offer opportunities for career growth both within Lactalis in Ukraine as well as in the units of the Group all over the world. The Groupe Lactalis team has more than 85 500 employees in 94 countries. We are different, but we have a common goal - open up the world to Dairy’s best.
Our experts

Oleksandr Avramuk General Manager of Lactalis in Ukraine
Since March 2024
Since March 2024
Life philosophy is never to give up!

Smirnov Sergiy Deputy Industrial Director in Australia
Always stay open to new experiences and do not be afraid to expand the comfort zone

Можливо ми маємо
потрібену вакансію для вас ?
потрібену вакансію для вас ?
Відправ свое резюме нам на пошту, вказавши напрям який тебе цікавить. Як тільки в нас відкриється вакансія ми зв’яжемося з тобою перші!