How to wheat milk correctly to obtain a stable fine-textured milk froth

A stable, fine-textured milk froth can be achieved by following the recommendations of how to whip milk

  1. Cool Lactel Professionnel milk down to +4°С – +6°С.
  2. Pour milk into the pitcher, slightly below the level of the spout.
  3. Place a cappuccino maker whisk in the pitcher at an angle of 45°C, dipping it by 1 cm down in milk. The whisk should touch the wall of the pitcher.
  4. Turn on the coffee machine to supply steam under a pressure of 1-1.2 bar. Hold the pitcher by the bottom to control the temperature of the milk.
  5. Try to choose the optimal position of the pitcher.
    While whisking, the milk should swirl and fizz. If you hear bubbling instead of hissing, the cappuccino maker is set too high or too low.
  6. Wait until the bottom of the pitcher is warm to the touch.
  7. Lower the cappuccino maker to the point, where the milk stops fizzing, but the rotation continues.
  8. Continue heating the milk to a temperature of +60°С – +70°С. Turn off the steam if the pitcher gets too hot to hold it.
  9. Mix the obtained consistency with light rotating movements. Hit the pitcher on the table.

How to determine that the milk is whipped correctly

This is evidenced not only by characteristic sounds during whipping. After cooking, you will immediately understand that you did everything right when you see the following results:

  • The structure of whipped milk is homogeneous and glossy.
  • The surface of the milk froth looks delicate and lush, because all the bubbles are small and almost of the same size.
  • After adding milk to coffee, the milk froth is stable and stays on the surface for a long time without spreading.

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